MEDIUM'S Authority Magazine: How I Reinvented Myself in the Second Chapter of my Life


I’m exquisitely excited to share this powerful publication in MEDIUM’s Authority Magazine with you beloved hearts!

Second Chapters: How I Reinvented Myself In The Second Chapter Of My Life

It’s my greatest satiation and a profound honor to be a vessel for divine wisdom in our world 💎🕊

Allow this opening excerpt to melt into your bones and enrich your soul … you are a living masterpiece, our world is thirsty for your genius, you came here to trailblase new worlds and ways of being that serve the grand flourishing of ALL … this is a potent invitation to erotically embrace and make love to every gorgeous facet of who you are

“Embrace your bravery, like a child who is born knowing they are a superhero. This means not holding back your love out of fear that your wilderness will ruffle feathers and electrify hearts. Ultimately, people will be transformed by the boldness of your love, it will awaken the grander power and potential that’s accessible in them. The truth is, our world is thirsty for your unique artistry. There are an exorbitant amount of teachings available to us in our modern culture of information real estate. Before all else, tune in and trust the navigation of your soul. You always know, and innovative Genius is constantly birthing within you. The brilliance you behold, the glory you’re here to bring forward, is spearheading in nature and will bloom in ways that exceed what has ever been done.”

My deepest, heartfelt gratitude to MEDIUM, Marina Mara and team!

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