Embody the Renaissance

Hi darling hearts! I’m excited to share this gorgeous, multifaceted deep dive into the Trifecta of Mastery and Divine Self-Architecture with our community!

Stay with me through the completion of this transmission and receive a special invitation to join me in my immersive wealth mastery program, 🌹ROSES + RICHES http://solararose.com/offerings/rosesriches 🤍🕊

Where you will master the creational power and potency of manifesting through direct divine embodiment — via super sensory energetics, pure consciousness and quantum fluorescence that does not require you to have a service, legacy, or consistent revenue stream … the true art and majesty of moving matter with mind and frequency, making the unseen visible in gorgeously surreal ways that induce wonder and sublime gratitude.

This breathtaking experience was birthed to serve you at the highest levels of prosperity generation. The most real, refreshing, powerful, sacred and potent experience that has ever been crafted around money. Simplified and distilled to its essence to lead you home to your boundless creative power to embody and sculpt your most soulfully rich destiny!

Mystic symbol for divine love, wealth, beauty, sexuality, ambrosia, luxury, pleasure, marriage of heaven and earth in the body.

Truth, honor, cosmic consciousness, vitality, overflowing soul force (prosperity), ecstasy, freedom, financial sovereignty.

Embody your most radiant, powerful, prosperous divine self. The exalted version of you who is wildly liberated and engaged in the grand romance of life, saturated in the euphoria of your forever honeymoon.

Envision and feel yourself thriving in your luxuriant utopia …

You arise at dawn to the melody of birds and glittering sunlight kissing your face as you roll romantically between the sheets

You feel exquisitely rejuvenated and excited to sculpt your day, which you have decided will be bursting with beauty and marvel

You know exactly how to manifest everything you dream of experiencing while deeply savouring your here and now

With this comes elucidated surges of power and freedom, rich relaxation and fruitful flow

You glide into a gorgeous morning ceremony that has you gushing with soul force from head to toe

Next, you relish in your favorite superfood tonic or vitalising elixir while basking in the aura of solar gold wisdom

Then, you move your sultry, sacred body temple to ambient music before embarking on a hike in the majestic wilderness

Returning to your sanctuary, you melt into a luxurious space of creative stewardship; adorning your space with candles, fresh-cut roses and instrumental sound waves as you make love to your legacy, your mission, your heart-drenched life masterpiece which fills you with supreme enrichment — your body, mind and soul dripping in creative fertility

Then, you revel in a stunningly gorgeous evening of gratitude and celebrations while enjoying dinner with your closest beloveds and breathing in the brilliance of a jewel toned sunset

When nuanced patterns of unconsciousness arise, you have the tools to elegantly polish the lens of your perceptions and somatic resonance, shifting back to the reality of divine Truth and prosperity immediately

As you melt into the perfection of this moment, you feel waves of ambrosial bliss cascade through your being

You are radiant, free, clear and on fire for the grand dance of life

All-pervasive oneness with the Self and reverence for life’s beauty, your ultimate achievement

You are centered, stabilised, integral and secure in…

Wholeness, oneness, beauty, truth, the perfection of the grand design and immortal reality … engaging the god essence in all beings which anchors you in rich, visceral presence, knowing, benevolence, warm heartedness, freedom, passion, intoxicating ALIVENESS ... as you open to allowing and experiencing a life of liquid blessings.

You are the ravishing masterpiece at the center of your stratosphere … a living orchestra of embodied miracles.

While money itself is not your primary source of fulfillment, it is a sacred manifestation of source energy. At its quintessential core, money is the crystallisation of love, and our bank account reflects the degree of Truth we’ve cultivated and allowed in our system. When we begin relating to money in this way (and develop a luxurious, heart quenching romance with it, AS an expression of the divine) miracles unfurl rapidly.

Wealth is a requirement to thrive richly and create a positive, lasting, multi-generational impact within the current exchange systems of our world. The true grace of this experience is the gift of oceanic freedom to be, have and do absolutely anything your heart feels called to in the moment while having the tools and deep seated capacity to manifest any, every and ALL things that serve your own and planetary flourishing.


With overflowing wealth, you grant yourself …

Absolute decision power, energy, space, time and creational freedom

Autonomy to nurture and design your health, lifestyle, environment, relationships, legacy and move in any directionality of your choosing

Extraordinary, luminous health and wellbeing

Freedom of mobility to travel, adventure and discover more of your true nature while drinking in the majesty of lush and vast landscapes

Ability to select luxurious, god aechelon everything (Luxury: A state of being richly, romantically in love with your now while artfully weaving your bright future. Constantly expanding into your next octave quality of life in accord with Divine Will and global flourishing.)

The liberated expression of your heart’s genius and pure essence (which is the diamond hot core of what this is about … the emancipation of your heart and soul to shine more freely in our world … and to do so with eloquence, love, freedom and flow)

Expanded capacity to boldly own and embody your voice, values, authentic truths and global leadership — positioning yourself to live only a heaven’s yes life at every level

Power to liberate yourself from discordant patterns, atmospheres, relationships, agreements … and consciously decide you will only align yourself with that which evokes the greatest light, life, love, and Truth in you (while living in intimate connection to your soul’s evolution)

Money is not a finite resource, it is INFINITE (as are love, energy, sacred intelligence and generative power), there is an abundantly profuse supply for all and you are designed to have more ceaselessly flowing into you to maximise your quality of life, the lives of your loved ones and your wider community.

Life’s supreme will and delight is for you to E X P A N D to your ultimate potential, aliveness and expression with a prolific wellspring of spiritual, physical and emotional support within and surrounding you at all times. For you to feel treasured, embraced and deeply cared for by money. For you to flourish, dance, create and share freely. You are designed to be lucratively resourced, in alignment with the evolutionary pulse and cosmic order. It is life’s greatest honor and passion to pour into you.

Inside this enchantingly gorgeous container, we will anchor this as your permanent and ever-emergent embodied reality.

You Will …

Embody your organic genius signature and experience your purest divinity reflected in all forms

Master the artistry and science of embodied imagination + optimal theta/gamma brainwave states for manifesting

Release the pulse to do more, unless it is authentically inspired, and generate feelings of being, having and knowing faster (absolutely nothing is required of you to manifest except the quality and directives of your consciousness — drink in the emancipating nectar of this awareness)

Embody the magnitude of your Divine Identity/I AM presence and claim yourself as the operant power of your destiny

Learn a profound and precise 3 step process to manifest any and everything your heart can conjure — a golden compass, crafted in coherence with universal principles and sciences that you will carry forward to serve you throughout your lifetime

Become a solar diamond vessel of absolute wealth and prosperity; awakening the quintessential reality of superabundance within yourself to transform your world into one of thriving beauty and enrichment

Embody invincible integrity with prosperity consciousness

Magnetise astronomical wealth (without having to know the how or where it will come from)

Create solid agreement fields and become a match only for prolific overflow, fortune and proliferation

Unlock the floodgates to your infinite creative power and dharmic flow

Masterfully steward your wealth in devotional service to the great will

Embody the somatic ecstasy of your wishes fulfilled (a sumptuous marriage of your superconscious and subconscious mind, merging heaven and earth in your body)

Learn the Phenomenology of Miracles (rooted in our worlds foremost neuroscience and quantum physics) to experience everlasting love, happiness, fulfillment and financial flourishing

Author your wealth story in alignment with your heart, soul, authentic truths

Embody the potency and integrity of cellular certainty

Artistry of Sacred Seduction: Enter rich quantum coherency with the divine heart and enchant the soul of the world to you from your pinnacle love frequency (your master amulet for immortal treasures)

Open like a magnolia to the sun to welcome love (the One energy and every spectacular vision you’ve been ushering forth) all the way in

Anchor highest frequency states of being and having in your ‘serenity system’

Expand your sphere of perception and possibility through the trifecta of mastery (self view, other view, world view — seeing and knowing all through the lens of source: limitless light, love, and prosperity made manifest)

Erotically embrace and make love to every gorgeous facet of who you are — your exotic primordial wilderness and noble divinity — to come into absolute, resonant accord with your full spectrum beauty, genius and power

Cellular enlightenment activations to powerfully elevate and emanate your true frequency

Liberate the sacred symphony of your heart

Orient to Truth, Love, Self, Embodied Paradise

Luxuriate in your deep knowing and value as you are penetrated to the heavens by love and money

You are an exotically brilliant embodiment of creation, our world requires your mastery and inherent genius to be cultivated and expressed. This is your opportunity to revolutionise and invent your life from the inside, out. To give your gifts to our world at full potency!


4 Soul Quenching Immersions
Profoundly swift up leveling in your physicalised wealth and quality of life within 30 days of devotion to these practices

Immersions 1-3
3 step golden compass/master blueprint for exponential wealth generation

Immersion 4
Diamond Biocircuitry Activation, inquiry, integration, implementation

Supportive Materials

The Nirvana Synthesis: Mastery of Flow Neuroscience and Superattraction
Golden Word Oracle: Most prosperous, life-giving words in the English language to author your thriving destiny
Life Opulence Codex: 11 core areas of life design that guides you to vibrantly envision your premium lifestyle and how to actualise it
Ecstasy of Eternity SoundLight Album with Solara Rose and Elijah Ray to open your heart and anchor maximal frequency states of being (Theta-Gamma brainwave tones)

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