Transcendence into Ecstasy
Hi majestic ones,
I recently wrote an article in Medium about the kaleidoscope of catalysts. Here are several golden jewels to bless your journey!
Triggers are dynamic in my experience. There’s an aspect where we internalize opinions versus facts (reflective of others’ relationship with themselves that we interpret as something about our value which indicates we have an energy active where we believe it, “it strikes a chord” whether it’s true or not. My perspective is, if love wouldn’t say it, it’s not true). Knowing who we are in ultimate truth and being integral with ourselves is pivotal.
There’s also a prominent aspect of triggers arising as catalysts to ignite dormant potential and transcendence while freeing us from limitation, repressed energy and resistance patterns. An energetic movement into grace is all that’s being called for. These are profound gifts that bolster our wealth of oneness, genius, power, love, courage, radiance, life force, synergy with Self etc, fueling our wider service and artful emanation.
At the soul level, every experience we design in our lives is fashioned to snap us out of limitation, solidify our golden core and unleash pristine power where we’re free to be and exude our loving brilliance.
We each have an endless supply of spiritual/tangible resources available to us, as us, in all moments. We are inexhaustible fountains of eternity composed of breathtaking beauty, brilliance and power. This is what we’re looking to unlock and live in seamless accord that we may flourish and be sources of (inspiritus) impeccably pure vibrance as a service to life.
The only purpose of life is greater quality of life. When we devote to being entirely prolific, all of infinity is behind us and we don’t require catalysts, we bloom in liquid, rhythmic momentum.
I always encourage the curation of safe atmospheres for beings to WHOLE BODY BREATHE and FEEL FULLY to the roots of their existence to move currents of static/dormant/repressed power and light through the system. Crafting gorgeously warm, nutritive spaces enriched by heart where fruitful, sensuous, wild, constructive, creative expression is welcomed in its fullness, at vast depth, as an exquisite art form to Self liberate.
Holographic sound and theta/gamma frequency technology, breath, silence, sensual movement, HIlT, wilderness immersions, massage, fascial release, visual, light, color, cold and steam therapies, sensory deprivation, neurosomatic/physiological adaptation, spiritual activations, loving communion, whatever is uniquely required and healthful. There are ceaseless possibilities! If we can view ourselves as nature, this is akin to lighting releasing static electricity in the atmosphere.
It's safe to vanquish stories and simply allow there to be an unconditional flow of energy that refreshes, resolves and rejuvenates us at a cellular level!
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