Operant Power

You had the power all along my dear, you just had to discover it for yourself. — Glinda 🏹🤍

We are god

We are source

We are the luminous grand omniverse 

We are the world

We are the heavens and earth

Galaxies and soil

The immortal cosmology of being is crystallised in our DNA codex

This realisation is astounding, evocative, bold and exquisitely emancipating once we claim our god nature and divine dominion of our reality.

Several of the most subtle yet common ways we give away our power is to the self-reflective feedback mirror of our own mind, to the kaleidoscopic cast of characters we have conjured in our imaginal garden, to the notion of a grander power source that exists outside of us

When, in deepest truth, we are sacred source singularities. We are the only one here ➳ there is no ‘other’ or higher, almighty power greater than the god force that thrives inside you. ‘Other’ is an extension of Self which is what gives rise to impeccable honor. The universe does not exist somewhere out there, beyond us. We are it and it is moulding itself to our will continuously. 

At our pinnacle of realisation, we are the *sole* operant god power of our reality. We are the only one at choice in our experience. The glittering mesh of genius intelligence conforms to the will our I AM presence — with precision. The integrity of our decisions (rich, lustrous cellular certainty) determines the speed, quality and longevity of our manifestations. 💎🕊

As Neville Goddard brilliantly conveys: “Everyone is you, pushed out.”

As I psychically see the energy: The quantum holographic dream world we are immersed in is a fractalised emanation of our innermost consciousness, frequencies, codes and sentient data and the field self-organises/responds to reflect us, instantly. Reality is fluid, transient and malleable to our state in every moment. Outer is an archetypal animation of our internal cauldron of content. What we dominantly perceive and feel at a core level that the comprises our vibrational symphony. We are saturated in a vital fantasy scape of our own imagination and there are ZERO limitations as to what we can fashion through heart-coherent, embodied vision.

We can always know exactly what to expect from our creation when we’re poised in Self mastery — that which we have decided, envisioned, and prophesied as our romantically enchanted life legend. What we feel richly, voluptuously and orgasmically in the depths of our somatic body as inevitable with eloquent, unwavering knowing … we are the source of it ALL and our dreams are our birthright.

Anchored in point bliss lucid stillness — you are the primordial magi at the center of your stratosphere. Solid in the remembrance of who you are — watching in reverent, wise-eyed wonder as the boundless ocean of consciousness orchestrates around you.

There is a reality available to you where every morsel of self-doubt is vanquished in the knowledge of your divinity. Where you decide first and reality conforms to the integrity of your decision. Your universe is graciously waiting for you to assume the starring role.

We have the magnificent power to sculpt and have it all on a diamond platter. To say YES to the trove of treasures in our heart and grant the fulfillment of our own wishes. Our reality, and every sacred being in it, is adaptive to our perceptions. The more devotionally we align with the lens of Truth (seeing and knowing all as the true Self — making the unconscious, super conscious), the more seamlessly we experience the lush resplendence of paradise … our quintessential beauty, brilliance and benevolence reflected throughout the totality of our hologram.

Can you feel the magnitude and potency of your eternal god power? To select mesmerising worlds of possibility, imagine, feel (and by virtue of quantum physics) experience every gorgeous landscape of your choosing.

I have witnessed the surreal majesty and glory of this an insurmountable number of times in my life, as well as the lives of my beloved clients who unfold profound, awe-inspiring miracles from inside.

We are manifesting every spectacular detail of our mythology — what we intimately experience and know integrally in our body must take form in physicality and become the mystical, love-laced novel we live in.

May we each be at pure choice in every now and make this incarnation our most soul-satiating, fortuitous adventure!

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