Live Transmission: Dharmic Flow Training, Architect your Reality with Zoe Davenport and Solara Rose

An absolutely gorgeous, activated gathering of those who joined us live today for our Quantum Flow masterclass!

Please allow up to 90 minutes for the live experience

We started our journey with a frequency attunement and breathwork. Dove into several of the key teaching points of what the training supports with:

DNA Golden Expansion Activation - An alignment activation you can utilise daily to level up your reality

Powerful I AM and I HAVE encodements fused with advanced, neuroscience supported EFT to rapidly rewire your subconscious and innovate new narratives

Access your direct knowing as the Limitless Divine Architect of your experience beyond space/time to quantum collapse and crystallize your visions into physical reality

An invitation to join our upcoming private Mastermind container

We received wonderful, inspiring feedback from those who joined live! Commit to listening to the replay in the next 48 hours as it's still fresh and charged with creative life force.

Worlds of Love, Zoe and Solara

Discover more about our three-month container Flow Optimised Mastermind

Curated Bonus Gift for you beloved! Diamond DNA Power Activation

Melt into the sublime majesty of your presence and enjoy a powerful Diamond DNA Activation from yours truly to support your accelerated expansion and experience a taste of what we’re facilitating in our mastermind container.

Solara RoseComment