Live Transmission: The Power of One, Ultimate Manifesting as the omniversal God Self

The moment I have realized God resting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free. ― Swami Vivekananda 🌹🦢

Happy Sunday gorgeous beloveds! I invite you to get deliciously cozy, melt into the vast and radiant intelligence of your heart temple and join me for a potent new transmission to root richly into the resonance of home, access your direct knowing and harness your phenomenal power to crystallise worlds as the master architect of your destiny.

Several of the luscious treasures we’re exploring…

There is no separate other “out there”, only ONE YOU “in here” fractalized out - reflecting and refracting your innermost world (perceptions, feelings, convictions, beliefs, dreamscapes) back to you in the form of people, experiences, symbology, life circumstances, global narratives… we are the only one choosing and creating in our reality.

We’re all engaged in a mythic soiree with the many facets of our own deep consciousness. Our physical body and outer world; symbolic mirrors revealing the vibratory signature and contents of our subconscious. The master frame for high magic - knowing and seeing all through the lens of pure Source, uniting all aspects of our being in the light and engaging the delicious dance of life, lover to lover.

In the embodiment of lush, warm, all-enveloping Divine Love (harmonic accord with the God Self in all with unwavering clarity and intensity), we are impenetrable, safe, self-supporting, prosperous, ultimately powerful and at supreme choice in our creative landscape - whole and free at the deepest, widest levels.

Piercing to the heart of reality, the quintessence of Truth, anchored richly in the light of invincible integrity that is boundless and  - unshakably certain of what we are and what we’re designing.

This is genuine, euphoric liberation and fulfillment - transcendent sovereign autonomy that creates organic synarchy via our distilled embodiment of Divine Genius. Then it’s game on in prolific, mystical ways that surpass our most vital imagination!

A foundational shift to seal the gap of nuanced separation (perception of Self and other coalesced into one unified field of being) is a movement from co-creating with the Universe to being the Omniverse at creation. Nothing ‘outside’ of you can dictate, determine or influence your experience. Your presence permeates, transmutes and transforms everything around you. In the vast, voluptuous integral embodiment of Divine Love, no discordant energies can enter your field, all must harmonise to the light and present as its greatest version.

When we shift our internal vibratory signature and spotlight of awareness, our entire hologram and creative reality updates to reflect these changes immediately and simultaneously. What we focalise is empowered, fueled and brought to life. What we pivot our attention away from is immediately deactivated and discharged of energy. This is what makes instant quantum timeline optimisation possible. The golden key is sustaining and seamlessly expanding our embodiment of Divine Genius, and ALL we desire to experience, FEEL into from our authentic heart and crystallise with exquisite ecstasy.

We arrived on this sumptuous, exotic Earth to explore, discover and define our soul’s desires in vivid HD specificity … to Self-innovate from the nexus point of our Infinite nature … to make brilliantly orgasmic love to the journey and savor the sensuous novelties of the human experience. No dream is too grand, everything is possible and available for you. There is always MORE beauty to absorb, weave, bestow unto yourself and flourish into!

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