Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos, Liquid Nirvana Living the Miraculous
Feeling mega blessed by the opportunity to share a Divinely exquisite, passion powered, supernatural transmission with my beloved brother John Burgos on Beyond the Ordinary Show Wednesday evening!
Join us for the replay at and open to whole new, otherworldly realities, miracles, synchronicities and fantastical landscapes of your design ― experiencing yourself AS Infinite Source Divine Creator, thriving in full connection to your power, totally in love with all aspects of your being and life, and access what is truly possible for you to create for yourself now, at the quantum level!
#InfinitePossibilities #InfiniteAbundance #InfiniteSelfInvention #InfiniteFreedom #LivingTheMiraculous #LiquidNirvana
Join us on Beyond the
Ordinary Show Global Summit!
And access your digital copy of Interstellar Velvet, 2 Diamond Alignment Activations & a special invitation to join me in a Golden Oracle Hour session.