Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos, Global Masterclass

Powerful, masterful magicians are masters of perception. ✨ Soul enchanters, Divine dancers, embodiments of the super miraculous. The beloved beholding the beloved in all that is within and before it, in all moments. A fully illumined, Infinite, fractalized field of Self reflecting and refracting Self with diamond precision - seamlessly, boundlessly, in the only moment that exists, the eternal Now. A fluid, oceanic kaleidoscope of vibrant, blooming, ever-transformative visions - us living in the body of our own imagination and pure Genius intelligence. The invitation for exploration is … are we as a humanity ready to see our Self in our grandest, expanded light - as we truly are - so we can LIVE and experience the glory of Liquid Nirvana.

The profoundly gorgeous gift of this perceptual octave of awareness is that it pierces beyond ‘creation’ entirely. We BE all that we are in integrated, embodied wholeness and desires more rich ... a ‘future self’ so immensely grand, vital, peaceful, prosperous, joyous simply becomes itself, what it/we have always been … the ONE symphony of living radiance. Our dreams crystallize for us, AS an extension of our beingness - sequentially, eloquently, automatically. The felt, sensory-somatic experience of our most pristine, Divine essence dazzles and delight us on a continuum!

Join John and I on Season 23 of Beyond the Ordinary Show as we trailblazer the uncharted, mystically palpable, spectacular and elucidating terrain of our limitless Self potential and capacities.

We’re excited and honored to share this dance with you!

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