One True Reality vs Shared Realities

Glorious soirée with my sister Sarah Zula around shared realities and the supreme reality of all being one Self! Beautifully rich treasures in this weave darlings. Bon appétit!


Wow! Love this discussion and would enjoy hearing your insights. I can only speak from my perspective which is that as a sole organizing principle we are now in a reality field that generates the experience of “separation” and “shared reality fields” now with perceived “multiple organizing principles” that have a free will choice to align with the sole principle within or not.

And those multiple fields intermingle and cocreate the total shared reality. So, this is why if we come into partnership with another being, we can feel ourselves subtly morphing to create a new self and reality based on the two reality fields interacting.

We are creators playing in an experience of cocreation. What’s vour perspective on this?


Exquisite! Thank you for sharing your brilliance. I love your orientation. I’m going to address each perspective one by one as there’s extraordinary nuance and I can generate an entire transmission on each, which you have inspired me to do through our conversation, so thank you! I deeply appreciate you.🕊

* As a sole organizing principle we are now in a reality field that generates the experience of “separation” and “shared reality fields” now with perceived “multiple organizing principles”

* My experience: we are one Self fractaled into an infinite amount of expressions to allow for diverse emanations and experiences of beauty. Our fundamental reality “is” a timeless, everlasting and cohesive whole that cannot be separated. “Separation, shared reality fields and multiple organizing principles” are solely perceptions that don’t exist in actuality as there is only one of us here. Though, the caveat is! If we are operating from these perspectives they will be our lived experience. A glorious inquiry is: “If I Am one luminous consciousness, who is they, other, the world etc?” Me experiencing the multi facets of my own mind in a Self experiential reality.

* That have a free will choice to align with the sole principle within or not.

* My experience: vibratory accord with my superconscious Self internally (integration of subconscious and conscious minds), harmonizes my entire world at once and liberates me to enact my free will across my total creation. Aligning with the sole principle within is what I call the “choiceless choice”. We ultimately have to align as it becomes too painful not to. True free will is a capacity we access through our embodiment of grace, or pervasive harmony as our I Am presence that encompasses the we. Exquisitely otherworldly and utterly effortless to create from this space!

* And those multiple fields intermingle and cocreate the total shared reality. So, this is why if we come into partnership with another being, we can feel ourselves subtly morphing to create a new self and reality based on the two reality fields interacting. We are creators playing in an experience of cocreation.

* My experience: there is only a “co” if we’re operating from dual awareness which creates a separate other to co-create with or morph to. From United Self awareness, we’re always in direct communion with our purest divine Self and true essence of love which is its own magnificent power that gives us sovereign agency of our entire lives! As love, we are the ultimate resonant power all reality must conform to (morph to, harmonize with etc) in our presence that unveils the refreshments of eternal freedom in every regard!

My experience as the one superconscious Self and eternal now moment of benevolent brilliance (all being Self) is that my total reality operates in concert with/entrains to/conforms organically to my heart’s will.🤍

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