You've Always had the Power Within my Dear!

The greatest space and place where we give our power away isn’t to other people or circumstances, it’s to a Universal force that we perceive as higher, more grand or distinct from the sheer power and magnificence beheld within. A Universe “out there” when the Universe “in here” is all there actually is. We are the sole creators of our reality, our destiny, our earth, and our world. All that blossoms within and around us is a holographic, animated simulation of Mind (which includes our brain and extends throughout our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, aetheric, astral, Buddhic, cosmic, galactic, and Infinite quantum bodies). This can be a stunningly gorgeous experience when we’re living in aligned accord with superintelligence, superconsciousness, superabundance, pure positive energy and Divine light radiance. Receiving, perceiving, and reflecting all as the true Self.

Within all of us, here and NOW, is the sovereign authority to author a ravishing story. Our life can change exquisitely, wondrously, beatifically in a flash!

And, if you’ve ever landed in a nightmare versus your ecstatic wonderland (hands up! I certainly have) it’s okay, it’s perfect. It’s a brilliant opportunity to observe the contents of our subconscious and gain diamond precise clarity on the Paradise we truly, richly desire to weave. The glory is that braided through every moment is a quintessential, golden laced thread of possibility and invitation to architect our most novel, exotic, multi prismatic visions. When we embrace our dreams with a full bodied, full blooded YES, all of the cosmos move powerfully in our favor, in simultaneous congruence with our narrative. Who we BE NOW instantly orchestrates our entire creative landscape.

And with this depth of freedom evoking knowing, we can release euphorically into love, into absolute Trust in our expanded Self and all that is … allowing past and future timelines to dissolve into their optimum expression at all levels. Eternally now and forevermore!

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” ― Glinda (the good witch!) Wizard of Oz

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