Wish Fulfilling Jewel

Mooji expressed something recently that struck me with its eloquent depth and directness. Alluding to our pinnacle of ALL power and dominion as the wealth of existence.. being the transcendent world! An invitation to embrace our most profound quintessence of sovereignty.

His brilliance,

“Stay ‘as’ Zero. This simple instruction can only be grasped inside the heart. When you grasp this pointer inside your heart, this is the highest I can share with you.”

In other words,

Remain empty as everything. This wisdom unfolds in the sanctuary of the heart. When this wisdom is embraced in the heart, it represents the zenith of all teachings.

A paradox for the mind that must empty its contents to overflow with the nectarous bliss of its nature.

Mooji is pointing towards mastery of the immortal dance, freeing us from discordant constructs.. all boundaries, known and unknown limits, personal identities etc.. to flourish as the liberation of divine creation.

An awe dashing symphony of Self recognition where the multifaceted drops of the ocean merge into a singular sweeping essence of pervading benevolence. Here, in the ring of lucidity, we recognize there is no other.. I Am the only one here, one presence experiencing the phenomenon of my ultimate divinity flowering everywhere.

A holographic tapestry of mesmerizing beauty and bespoke splendors that unfolds the choice of our I Am will. A force so fragrantly breathtaking and surreal it rivets us to timeless ecstasy in reverie of the miracle we are. This unworldly power is our richest reservoir of spiritual and tangible sustenance.

The gold we traverse corridors to unveil as our holy flame inside. The wish fulfilling jewel of our being unfolding its gorgeous decadence ceaselessly, requiring nothing except we INHABIT the prodigious moment of evermore love and radiant wholeness. Open to our boundless exquisiteness, anchored in sublime certainty that we will always fulfill our soul’s visions.

The effortless elegance from which we create at magnitude as this frequency.. is utterly spellbinding. With a majestic serene poise that defies all description.

And while we’ve unlocked the fortunes of our royal inheritance, the power to create at will as we dance draped in gowns of graceful resplendence; the fulfillment of being, experiencing and carrying ourselves as the eternal masterpiece.. witnessing our echo of artisanal glory.. remains the supreme treasure!

If you feel drawn to live your ultimate freedom and excellence. I Am here for those ready to thrive as the kingdom embodied.🕊🥂

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