Live Transmission: The Trifecta of Mastery and Emancipation of our I AM Will with AKIATA

Exquisitely delighted to share this potent, soul-drenched transmissions with you beloveds!

Alana Aviel of AKIATA and I delve into the eloquent simplicity and POWER of Genius coherency fused with Diamond precise vision to become the alchemical grail of God-Self embodiment and proliferate flourishing in all domains of life.

Seeing, feeling and knowing ourselves as we are in Truth
Seeing, feeling and knowing others as they are in Truth
Seeing, feeling and knowing the world as it is in Truth…

Standing as fortresses and fountains of Divine intelligence to thrive in the flow of liquid miracles!

Relax richly into the field with us to awaken your grand visions and collapse worlds of majestic beauty into your now moment from the indomitable emanation of your I AM presence.

Join us in our Infinity Collective global sanctuary for lifetime membership and access to soulfully enriching community, world-class mastery courses, sonic brainwave entrainment technology, New Era library of videos and codexes for Quantum reality architecture and flow neuroscience, contemporary social engagement platform and more. Build passionate, inspiring bonds and expand exponentially into your most stunning, brilliant, powerful Divine embodiment!

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