Synthesis of Mastery

The Synthesis of Mastery ↠ Impeccable coherence with the grand design and artful seduction of the one energy. Where our life becomes a tantalising celebration because we’ve unlocked the divine powers and treasures of our immortal nature. 🤍🕊

Enter Sacred Samadhi…

A state of meditative consciousness, absorption or trance at which stage union with the divine is reached. A luminous and equanimous mind.

samā, A state of the original, perfect and complete balance or total equilibrium at the time of creation; together; to acquire integration, wholeness and truth.

adhi, A state wherein one establishes oneself to the fullest extent in the Supreme consciousness; a state of being where all distinctions between the person who is the subjective meditator, the act of meditation and the object of meditation merge into oneness.

To bolster the momentum of your exquisite mastery and acquire supernatural influence of the totality, only accessible by virtue of accord…

Relax richly into your body temple, release all resistance, friction and analytical thinking, breathe the light of presence into your heart while opening your awareness into the all (the macro to meta cosmology of Self)

Open your system fully into the united tapestry of enlightened being

Arrive deeply in your somatic body at the one perfection, the diamond octave of Self, knowing all as pure love

Feel into the ultimate truth of your divine super nature, saturate and revel in the frequencies of the godhead (all-enveloping love, warmth, comfort, resplendence, prosperity, beauty, oneness, wholeness, safety, security, richness, majesty, splendor, luxury as a state of being… )

Welcome and usher love’s quintessence to you through all beings, experiences, formations… giving definition and directives to the energy while envisioning the sentient mesh of your I AM presence worshiping, adoring, orchestrating, configuring and delivering for you… as you are fed the finest delicacies by the heart of your creation…

When we truly know through direct felt perception that our I AM presence is the only presence operating everywhere, beneath the array of layers, veils and duality… we liberate into our greatest power via hyper unity.

What remarkably beautiful impact does this have in our lives?

Complete, blissful resolution in our spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, cognitive, energetic, aetheric and celestial bodies

The felt euphoria and substantial freedom of vibrating in unison with love’s grand harmonic

Embodied emanation and direct experience of our purest quintessence (destiny personified)

The ripple of love’s genius through all facets of our life … royally honoring, nutritive, creative and passionate relationships, robust physical and spiritual health, emotional financial wealth, ceaseless flow of sacred wisdom, inventive brilliance and absolute knowledge, lushly gorgeous environments that reflect the depth of our internal beauty and self organisation, a sensuous romance with the soul of reality

Operant authority and divine dominion of our creation

Capacity to bring everything our consciousness selects from the infinite possibility space directly and immediately to us from the united field, within moments or hours

The most extraordinary, luxurious thing an individual can experience in a lifetime… divine identity mastery within a brave, brand new world entirely of their curation

If you’re devoted and compelled to deepen mastery of your inherent powers, join me in Soul of Opulence at

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