Live: Quantum Sorcery + The Synthesis of Synchronicity Ft. Timothy Brainard
Join Timothy Brainard of “WholeSystem Human” @ and I as we delve into…
Play, Power, Quantum Sorcery (the REAL, otherworldly juice!)
Synthesizing our Infinite Creator Blueprint (timelessness, balance, flexibility, resilience, peak adaptability and responsiveness in the Now)
Elevating our standards for high quality LOVE, consciousness, health, relating, physical prosperity, holistic global solutions
Crystallizing realities instantly from the space of the ascended, high-heart
Facilitating palpable, transformative experiences through Devotional Leadership (Calibrating to our FULL power via commitment to serving the whole)
Powerfully influencing energy and creating exponential impact/movements in the Quantum field via magnetic (open, expanded, subtle, receptive energetics : feminine pole) and electric (potent, penetrative, precise, expressive energetics : masculine pole). Synthesizing and synergizing these elements within ourselves. (The interaction of two or more forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.)
Voting for what we desire to see birthed in the world through our personal choices and investment of energy/attention/resources
And so much MORE!