Live: The Diamond Octave, Paracosmic Reality Design with John Burgos

Join my beloved brother John Burgos, Founder and Host of Beyond the Ordinary Show, and me for a rich, multidimensional conversation and liberate into your greatest sovereignty as the Divine quantum architect of your world!

So rich! The piece on “Standards” versus “Boundaries” definitely liberated me.🦋 I had to go back and hear it again. It made me cry actually. I am not great at holding boundaries because I believed they weren’t necessary and created separation and disconnection. As an empath I experience energy leaks and it has always felt difficult. Holding standards feels much more empowering, sovereign and grounding. I love this. I can work with this. Also, I feel it is much more Aquarian. Boundaries are old paradigm. Setting standards and checking in with our own value system regularly is proactive and more inclusive. Thank you for this peAce in particular. Many Blessings to you both. -Chez 🙏🏻

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