Interstellar Velvet: A-Z Golden Word Codex


A kaleidoscope of decadent, high frequency word desert for your soul. ✨

“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”

Hi Beloved Supernovas,

I’m exquisitely honored and excited to share this gem of a creation with you!

A luminous, A-Z Golden Word Oracle (for your magical, world weaving indulgence) dripping in light language and cosmic intelligence that wields miracles. If you know me intimately, you know that my greatest love affair is with the artistry and science of Genius, soul data, galactic poetry, neuro linguistics, resonant frequency, symphonic codes and the potent, palpable, creative POWER of words to engender our hologram and speak our fantasy worlds into being. 

I architected this digital dream book for us, to serve as a source of neurosomatic circuitry upgrades, evocative vision, mythic reality design, superabundance, novel emergence and jewel drenched, boundless, ever expanding possibility. The embodiment of ultimate intelligence and Divine mind that allows us to thrive in the miraculous on a continuum. The TOTAL remembrance of who and what we are as the Infinite Self and rich intimacy with the qualities of that energy (harmony, love, beauty, joy, vitality, oneness, indomitable soul sovereignty, self authorship, ceaseless generosity because our wellspring of generative power and prosperity is invincibly limitless). So we can anchor into the complete integration of Self and engineer our creative landscape from this space of deep knowing.

Our lives are a brilliant compilation of how and where we invest our energy: the visions we augment, the thoughts we think, the frequencies we FEEL, the words we speak and the narratives we weave like silken threads and sonic boom’s into existence. Our intertechnologies are the paintbrushes and grand tools of creation with which we animate and sculpt the masterpiece of our outer reality.

As Neville Goddard expresses in his teachings “Everything is you, pushed (or fractalized) out.” Our supernatural, phenomenal powers to create are wholly accessible within. And when we know how to harness them in coherence with life’s will, we are impenetrably unstoppable because nothing “outside” can affect us. 

Here are some of the stunningly gorgeous benefits of this enchanting, science supported codex for speakers, writers, visionaries and entrepreneurs...

  • View life through the perspective of the unlimited Self and unlock your wellspring of revelatory wisdom, innovation and electric power to quantum upgrade your entire universe (past, present and future) simultaneously

  • Embody the fullness of your I AM radiance and Divine identity, deactivating cellular resistance and rewiring your DNA codex for Infinite possibility, momentum and flow

  • Optimize your epigenetics, neurochemistry and biotechnology for diamond alignment and maximized abundance

  • Supercharge the attraction of miracles, blessings, synchronicity and opportunities through precision magnetics

  • Accelerate multidimensional prosperity and success, receiving liquid gold fortune through all portals of your reality

  • Access fresh, exotic visions to weave your dreams into being and orchestrate your most ravishing life masterpiece

  • Activate harmonious, loving, inspiring communication in relationships

  • Master the art of spell casting incantations, abracadabra (exponential manifesting), and enchantment charms to engender your reality and actualize your supreme Destiny timelines

When you purchase a digital copy in the next 24 hours, you’ll receive a powerful, Psychic Reflection Immersion tailored to what’s ALIVE and relevant for you right now (Value of $2500)

I hope you savor this beauty as much as I’ve marveled in her creative unfolding!

With deepest love and gratitude,


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