Live: Galactic Empowerment + Reality Creation

Come join the party and let’s explore… :)

  • Creating directly from the quantum fabric of infinite, superabundance (deciding, swiftly letting go and resonating at high, accelerated frequencies of HAVING to close the gap + pull our future Visions into the Now!) #EcstaticUnion

  • Owning, claiming and grounding into our core power + value as Cosmic Creators

  • Embodying radical appreciation + stunning Self-confidence for rapid attraction

  • Getting laser-lucid clear on why you desire what you desire (Selecting your timeline frequentially… all the euphoric feels + adventures!)

  • Magnetizing innovative ideas, inspiration and life-force currency to fuel your legacy + take bold, passionate action towards your dreams

  • Coding ourselves for opulence, love and success from the inside, out (filtering the codes of a lush Paradise for supreme mind-body-soul alignment!)

+ more savory surprises! :)

Solara RoseComment