3-Strand Diamond DNA Activation
Celebrating the sensational beauty of today! :)
It was the first FULL day I've had for myself… to melt into the music of my soul, dance erotically, go for an invigorating run, conjure a velvety smooth cafe mocha with espresso, raw cacao, honey, chia seeds + MCT oil (delish!), layer and master new frequency tracks for my client activations (this most recent one is a LUSH paradise… earth, air, water, aether and fire all synthesized into one, lustrous musical mix that includes jungle beats (drums, birds, chimes, tibetan singing bowls, water outpouring from a fresh spring), aetheric harps, wolves howling subtly in the background - it’s a stunning fusion I’m very excited to share with you - total visionary nectar for the souls who enjoy marveling in the imaginary, sensory spaces before launching into action! The whole day felt like #OceanicRapture
If you’d love to experience a powerful, high-frequency flow activation for peak alignment (in your sovereign and expanded Self), please feel free to connect with me personally, or visit SolaraRose.com/offerings to purchase an activation sequence!
During sessions I work primarily with Diamond Light Codes (the most pristine wellspring of Source energy, water (flow) and aetheric gold (illumination) throughout Infinite creation AND in your emergent DNA that’s designed to generate + conduct electricity... fun genome fact!)
Here are some of the beautiful benefits available to you via an activation series:
A seamless and sumptuous connection to Source (ultimate alignment to your North Star + MAX creative abundance!)
Complete upgrade of your Divine technology and internal OS to run high-frequencies of clean, free energy flow + all the latest and greatest features (like upgrading from a Prius to a Tesla, or Mojave on Mac… everything runs smooth and performs at its Zenith!)
Liquid revelations and intuitive insights for you to weave into form via your heart service (having direct access to rich, interstellar information + galactic google on tap!)
Amplification of your primal sexuality and kundalini life-force (exuberant joy, emotional strength and resilience in love)
UltraMagnetic attraction and physical vibrancy (mastering the mechanics of reality creation)
Fluid communication with your Soul and superconscious navigational system (so you can action your inner wisdom and design a passionate, FULL and rewarding life!)
Mental and cognitive acuity (Supreme clarity of individual and collective purpose!)
Richely embodying and feeling empowered in the full expression of your sovereign Genius
Rapid manifestation of what we invoke for you in the physical (financial wealth, miracles and success, reciprocal relationships that are a FORTRESS OF FUELING, lucrative business opportunities, exotic travel and vacations… everything I’ve invoked with clients in the activation space has swiftly materialized for them… the possibilities are infinite so I invite you to feel into, clarify and define your authentic desires before the activation). Creation works a lot like Siri ;) it’s a direct response mechanism so be honest about what you REALLY want and know you’re fully supported in focusing the GRAND picture + going for GOLD… when you’re clear on the end result, Infinite Intelligence knows the most delightful and accelerated way to get you there!
Happiness and lasting fulfillment via remembrance of the exquisite ease and grace in which you can customize your constellation and HAVE everything that stokes your fire (because you ARE Source... starlight and eternity expressing through human form... Your potential is immeasurable!)
“I had a personal activation call with Solara and I knew that the work we were doing was powerful at the time but I wanted to wait for the energies to settle before I weighed in. What I've experienced over the last two weeks can best be described as feeling a MASSIVE series of seemingly unconnected cosmic cogs shifting into alignment, much like the tumblers of a lock I wasn't aware existed! And the calibrations have equated to real world results — from feeling more vital and empowered in my daily life, to a greater understanding of my mission and how to best accomplish what I'm here to do. My energy levels have been much higher, I have renewed clarity of thought and there's no question about the purpose of my actions. I highly recommend getting activated so you can experience the impact it has on your world. All the love for you Solara and I look forward to working together again in the future!”