Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos


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Acclimate to the energies of precision creation.

Look at the bigger picture of your dreams and what you have attuned to in your heart.

Learn how to spotlight the attention of your focus to charge the energies of what you are choosing to attract in your life and establish the harmonic alchemy that directs you into absolute action.

Go from depleting your energy to amplifying the divine intelligence that lives inside of you. Important technology available in this beautiful, expansive, interactive call!

Today, John and I are diving heart-first into the waves of neuroscience and quantum physics to provide valuable insights and tools that assist you in claiming full ownership of your brilliance and autonomy as the God Self, unlocking New Divine Human Avatar technology to architect every decadent detail of your experience in synergy with your soul, and rapidly processing the power of your I AM codex so you can move like the ocean with the electric current of your dreams.

This masterclass will be a highly engaging, interactive space where we come together as a cohesive group of like-minded souls to ignite evocative new depths of freedom, advanced intelligence and possibility.

We’re excited to see you live on the call and have a wellspring of surprises in store for you!

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