Bed of Roses

Open your holy heart and body and allow love’s brilliance to bless you through the whole! With every somatic expansion, life becomes more rapturous, orgasmic, miraculous. Everything you are not will be sacredly obliterated by love’s flames, then you will bloom into unprecedented realms of divine intoxication that dance you alive from within.

The root of all human suffering is our resistance to life’s loving flowing genius; a perception that we are separate from the generous wise care of the whole (our own radiant wholeness) in any given moment. In our innocent attempt to self-protect, we seek safety by contracting our energy or looking to externalities to satiate, which augments dissonance in our system and brings our fears closer to us as crystalised experience.

The elegant resolution is to gently soften and open when we feel the pulse to withdraw from the love of our wider Self moving through the all. To erotically deepen into our embodiment through the virtue of breath and sensuality. To allow the light of presence to penetrate the spaces where we have yet to be cherished and touched nobly. Benevolently, sacredly unwinding until we merge into resonant oneness. From here, life only becomes more awe-captivating and fulfilling as we cohere with our supreme destiny!

The kingdom is within you.. and it feels like blissful accord vibrating cellularly.

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