Supreme Artisan

In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest where
no one sees you, but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art.
~ Rumi


To feel at home within our temple
Enveloped by the ecstasy of eternity
Enthralled by the possibility for everything
Enraptured by the aphrodisiac of Self certainty
The knowledge of our power as master sculptors of reality from our internal nexus of lush expectancy

All potentials occurring simultaneously in this now moment singularity
Where oscillating patterns of perfection and breathtaking beauty pervade all things
Omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, resounding divinity
Sovereign autonomy and sacred dominion realised in the bliss point field of lucid stillness

The resplendent symphony of truth, of genius, of boundless wonderment, of freedom
Is the wish fulfilling wisdom and wholeness that we’re seeking
To be saturated and satiated to our core by the majesty and magnitude of what we are
One Source, one consciousness, one orchestra of exotically blooming intelligence
Boldly deciding, enlivening and choreographing our iconic dreamscape

Where shimmering love spells awaken the passion drenched wilderness of the heart
Poetic charms of mythic artistry burst forth, entrancing the soul of reality
Cascades of sultry-sensuous star nectar quench our body, our bones, our blood, our richest thirstings
As glittering rivers of quintessential ambrosia unfurl the voyage forward in our lustrous romance novel where all things conceivable to the E Y E of the beholder are made manifest in physicality

Through the phenomenological powers of grand alchemy … the transformative sorcery of the Godhead … the velvet soft weaponry of spearheads ➸ piercing diamond vision united in non-dual awareness

Through our attunement to what IS…
The crystallised kingdom and voluptuous gardens of a quixotic, jewel-toned eden

All that our conscious mind can envision and FEEL as real, our subconscious mind can and must quantum collapse into our present reality

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