2020 Liquid Light Bloom: A Year of Pristine, 2020 Divine Vision

2020 🦋🌹

A glorious year, masterfully orchestrated for us to develop perfect Divine sight (2020 vision). To see the nature of reality purely and pristinely as it ALREADY, truly is. Perfectly coded, optimised and harmonised at all levels. For us to pivot into our ultimate, ascended timelines globally and sustain our diamond alignment to Self. To receive and BE euphoric wholeness in motion and release the need for alchemy, transmutation, processes and processing, decoding and deconstruction (naming a facet of being 'lead' and attempting to morph it into our 'idea' of gold, rather than embracing its exquisite beauty and magnificence, as is, so that the highest, most remarkable outcomes can unfold.)

2020 is our invitation to step FULLY into the allowance and celebration of the innate Cosmic design. To fuse with our I AM radiance blueprint. To instantly synch with our Genius coherency vortex and bloom into Infinite light, love, possibility and ecstatic life invention! To savor the organic, liquid flowering of our collective dharma … to thrive as the eternally expanding symphony of ZION ⭐️

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