Live: Quantum Sorcery + The Synthesis of Synchronicity Ft. Timothy Brainard

Join Timothy Brainard of “WholeSystem Human” @ and I as we delve into…

  • Play, Power, Quantum Sorcery (the REAL, otherworldly juice!)

  • Synthesizing our Infinite Creator Blueprint (timelessness, balance, flexibility, resilience, peak adaptability and responsiveness in the Now)

  • Elevating our standards for high quality LOVE, consciousness, health, relating, physical prosperity, holistic global solutions

  • Crystallizing realities instantly from the space of the ascended, high-heart

  • Facilitating palpable, transformative experiences through Devotional Leadership (Calibrating to our FULL power via commitment to serving the whole)

  • Powerfully influencing energy and creating exponential impact/movements in the Quantum field via magnetic (open, expanded, subtle, receptive energetics : feminine pole) and electric (potent, penetrative, precise, expressive energetics : masculine pole). Synthesizing and synergizing these elements within ourselves. (The interaction of two or more forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.)

  • Voting for what we desire to see birthed in the world through our personal choices and investment of energy/attention/resources

And so much MORE!

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