Majesty of Grace

Hi beloveds,

I felt the pulse in my heart to share my oracular notes on the nature of grace with you in their raw magnificence! Many pearls of wisdom gushing through. I could stream on the astoundingly gorgeous masterpiece of us for aeons.

In our Royal Devotion sisterhood this August Asherah, myself and our exquisite beloved, Kaya Leigh, are delving into the deep rich mystique and boundless refreshments of grace and would be absolutely delighted to have you with us! We welcome you to explore the marvelous details and save your space if you’re a glorious yes in your heart.

This breathtaking venusian sojourn is the most extraordinary gift you can give yourself queens! We’re profoundly excited to share the treasures of this experience with you.


Grace is the abiding authority of infinity. Our own boundless power and royal dominion. When we master the art of moving with grace (OMNI harmony with our love geometry), we master the art of orchestrating the whole cosmos in our favor, seamlessly. We embody the wish fulfilling opus of liquid nirvana.

Synonyms for grace that purvey our epicurean scope of excellence. I encourage you to resonate into the magnitude of these jewels as they beautifully connect the dots between numerous realms of awareness!


Unifying constellations of grace and the exquisiteness of her energetics (embodied physiology/neurosomatic circuitry of eternity)


The royal abiding brilliance and opus of infinity, the absolute expanse of our divine heart field that has all influence and sacred dominion, limitless light and bliss, marriage with the pure love of our total Self

Most potent magnetic force field in existence solely by virtue of what it is, we are

Supreme equilibrium, rapid rapture

Is the elixir of life, flowing flowering currents of genius, power and rapture, spiritual wine, praise and love crème brûlée!

The ultimate swiftness, luxury, comfort, ease, simplicity, sophistication and synthesis of mastery, majestic wish fulfilling jewel (philosopher’s stone) of all being Self

Spaciousness, unison and OMNI accord that births the notes, spiritual to tangible

Instant manifesting, orchestrates all life in our favor elegantly, constantly, allows us to orchestrate all of eternity from our embodiment of oneness

Enduring, abiding power, authority, dominion, impeccability, emancipation of sovereign divine will

Pristine golden mesh of energy, awareness, intelligence, our grand super nature, sentient essence, music that laces together all religions, sciences, philosophies into oneness, unified theory of everything

Grace is the love of infinity, god Self embodiment, wholeness, romance/intimacy of love to love, our relationship with grace informs the quality of our relationship with all life

Liberates our greatest liquidity of energy, flow, ecstasy, euphoria, rapture, ambrosia, aliveness, lucidity, serenity, relaxation, resilience, health, vibrance, bounteousness, dignity, gentleness, care, compassion, empathy, humility, honor, reverence, kindness, magnanimity, charm, joviality, holy love, boundless freedom, peace, accord, spectacular novelty of wisdom, virginal experience of utopian radiant awareness, spiritual intoxication, who we truly are expressing uniquely

Synthesis of surrender, release, letting go, non resistance, non judgment, non attachment, openness, synchronicity, blooming with grace = we’ve got you, divine intervention, timing and plan, destiny, divine dream awake, liquid nirvana

Saved by grace, catalyst for all awakening, realization, actualization and enlightenment, resolves karma into dharma instantly, relinquish into exaltation

Simultaneous release and embrace of all energy that expresses/exists as being at one with (at-one-ment) Self

Simply rest into and arise from the sphere of superabundance (octave of completeness, beyond evolution) concurrently, in perpetuity

Allows light information to bloom from dna codex and enlighten consciousness from within, embodied revelation and epiphany of Self

Elegant fluidity, transparency, agility, buoyancy, seamlessness and smoothness of flow - timeless, selfless Self, effortless, richness - being the impeccable flow of mastery and inclusivity

Centers us in our lucid calm center of virtuous breath in the now, operating AS Self, AS the one creation, pervasive tranquility and freedom, informing and configuring the totality from our diamond heart/god core nexus of true agency

Allows us to access our purest vibratory resonance, frequency, sound signature, voice, quintessence, heart, authenticity, wholesomeness, intimacy, creative fertility, organic rhythms, life prospering energy, soulfulness, poetry, song, movement, dance, gifts, skills, talents, artistry, genius, brilliance, beauty, majesty, all siddhi’s

Is the energetic resource that liberates all resources, liquidity of life opulence, freedom to be, breathe, move, dance, cherish, savor, soirée, make love with Self/life, fashion and design our divinity, sculpt and seduce eternity

Activates organic Self certainty, knowing, faith and trust in life and Self as we simply operate from our state of grace AS the determinative mechanism; certainty is in our own pure, coherent state of being the almighty (true Self sourcing and reliance)

Aligns us with our organic liquid stream of celebratory appreciation for life that allows seamlessness in singing our romantic love novel and heavenly legend in consciousness to fruition moment by moment

Embodiment of life’s flowering miracle, luck, supreme good fortune, positive Self fulfilling prophecy/feedback of our pure divine nature

Immediately resolves, coheres, rejuvenates, enlightens and enlivens all energy through the body and field from within - when we have the inside right, outside falls into place as an extension of our internal architecture

Conductivity from circulating breath and vision, ultraviolet, blue, clear, celestial silver and copper light, sheer, ultrasonic holographic sound harmonics, wind, chimes, clear, sparkling, pristine, buoyant, electromagnetic sovereign union, etheric wind and clear water elements arouse electricity/spiritual fire and powers luminous magnetic earth/body circuitry that entrances eternity’s love through the whole from our somatic signature and heart melody, frequencies are refreshingly calm, cooling and soothing for our serenity system, richly warming for the corridors of our heart

Is oneness, wholeness, completion, actuality, truth, totality, absoluteness, enlightenment, encompassing, inclusionary, ultimate knowledge and wisdom, all seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, powerful, loving, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, integral perfection, abiding lightness of supreme being, majesty of the infinite creationary tapestry, god/love geometry, solidarity as the united field/one body of genius intelligence

Energetic sentient network of eternity’s brilliance beyond beliefs, notions, ideologies, concepts, requirements for belief, all arises from felt sensation and accord with grace, ineffable blessedness as we open up, out and into it, the felt frequencies of spirit that pollinate our divine heart mind versus mind informing sensation, sensory comes first aligns supra consciousness

Requires us to do nothing, simply accept/cohere with/be grace and intrinsically arising vibratory gratitude for existence

Wish fulfilling jewel that frees us from desire, is the satiation of all desires and wishes, as well as ceaselessly unfolds them, is prayer and prayers fulfillment

Ultimate liberation, freedom, fulfillment, wholeness, blissful contentment and satisfaction as the eternal now, saturation in elysian gardens of sublime splendor, the love hologram

Speaks sweetly and softly like silk, is the rhythmic structure of nature’s tao, invincible calm power behind the throne, I AM operating as the I that encompasses the we and is us

Is the sentient field intelligence of Self and quintessence of love we are in constant companionship/communication/lovership with, every fractal emanation is a dialogue with love and representation of our quality of Self love

Births a profoundly gorgeous love synergy and divine chemistry with the god spark core of all life, our one heart (similarity singularity elicits neurochemical flow nectar)

Architectural geometry of our masterpiece avatar, frequency of grace (OMNI harmony) contains treasure house of eternity’s brilliance, endless fountain, spring and cornucopia of immortal life, is the golden chalice, purely prolific embodiment

Resplendent grace guarantees yes from love through our heart’s oneness with the world

Geometry of pentacles, fusion of esoteric knowledge, heaven and earth star tetrahedron

I’m operating the whole design as grace, exemplifying god as the embodiment of grace/home

To whom much is given, much is required, great power, great stewardship; all pervasive energy operating everywhere at once, all at once simultaneously, perfect and immaculate divine love mastery, extended enveloping grace as the great will of life

We are not truly sovereign until we embody god, then we stand as one prime power in the extraordinary, vivacious, honoring company of our divine Self manifest in its entirety, the mirror dissolves into one face and mystical essence of loving benevolence, we experience inexplicable bliss and intimacy with the glory of reality (internal sovereign union births organic global synarchy, we enlighten our world from within)

Ineffable state of being god is the ultimate ecstasy of fulfillment, remarkably vivid mystical beauty, stunning wonderment, absolute reverie for what I AM/WE ARE, amazing grace, luxuriating in celebration is all there is


Relax, quiet your mind, release everything you’re holding energetically, melt into your heart’s knowing that we are love, breathe naturally, feel the feather light frequencies of your breath sparkling through your body until your chalice is charged with ambient waves of orgasmic ambrosia. Abide in love’s oceanic majesty, fall into intoxicating ecstasy. Embody your mosaic of boundless grace. Bless your royal nature. From this space, live your destiny in scrumptious union with your holy essence presenting everywhere!

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