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 Inside The Modules

A 12-month odyssey that begins with a mapping of your essence, your divine gifts and the distinct beauty of your transcendent artist, uncovering the jewels, your genius, as well as the hidden limitations that have shaped your life.

From here, our process moves into integrating unconscious patterns that have been holding you back, granting clarity and mastery over your Self awareness, feelings, and behaviors.

As your sublime potential rises, you begin to fully embrace your power, activating new aspects and aligning to your true dharma. Throughout the journey with us, your energy is harmonized into a sparkling symphony of mind, body, and spirit so you can move through life with flow and intent.

This process refines how you manifest your inner world outward, turning abstract visions into reality with precision and grace.

Seamless support through daily practices helps to cleanse and fine-tune your inner being, leading you to a state of supreme mastery. In the final stages, you embody your greatest authority and heart’s will, embodying the divine source in every action. You achieve complete mastery of your life’s creation, reigning as the exquisite maestro of your existence, dripping in emergent power/liquid light and living in total transformation.


Are You Ready?


Join our Avatar Eternus Waiting List



Who are you? Essence mapping brings words, forms, and symbols to your essence, creating a detailed, visual architecture of who you are. The team facilitates a self-mapping process that artfully visualizes your existing gifts, personas, dreams, unlocked potential, and the hidden blocks holding your back. This process goes beyond traditional self-exploration by creating a detailed, visual architecture of who you are. It's a personalized mirror into your current identity, showing both the imprints of your past and the archetypes you have yet to unlock. By understanding these layers, you gain a profound foundation for transformation, allowing you to move forward with clarity and intention.


THE GRAIL CODEX : science of self

A voyage into your energetic super-nature.

This Codex, explores the IQ and sentient intelligence of God, how the Divine perceives and feels, the illustrious essence we are destined to embody. With continuous attunement and support, you learn to embody the united intelligence of your higher genius. This conscious embodiment strengthens states of pure knowing,  liberating fountains of limitless love in the way you engage life, feel, respond, and craft art in the world.

We work together with the codex over 12 months to unlock this consciousness and lens on life. Focus sessions explain how the codex works with your life, and brings you into practice teaching frames of perception. As you move into the later works with us you begin to embody and normalize to this boundless octave of being in continuous awe, reverence and enthrallment in your now.


Add to main - In ETERNUS you will harmonize with your God Self, operating in a timeless octave of emotional mastery that naturally arises by having these lucid luminary frames.



Frequency support to drop you into Avatar State

Enlighten your frequency to enlighten your relationship with  life. Allow the ego (psychological mind) to release into the superconscious sensorial agile space through somatic arts. This frequency work demonstrates how to relax and open your body into infinite intelligence. Each frequency session with us allow your to access your true being where your system can self-organize and harmonize with its divine nature. Overtime with us this state becomes seamless so that your organic signature emanates naturally and gorgeously. The frequency practice also allows you to access the GENIUS CODEX ( the symphony of your GODSELF ) with ecstasy and effortless elegance as you move through this journey.  Weekly work with these tones will quiet the mind, harmonize the body, elevate and bring coherence to spaces of work and creation.



Activating your dormant Inner Powers

A uniquely curated tarot deck build around a map of your higher powers and faculties.  These archetypes symbolize your iconic qualities, you’ve always dreamt of fully embodying. These embodiments allow you to gracefully attain specific destinations in your life. This pantheon of expanded personas will enable you to resonate and emanate ascended aspects of your being throughout your journey with us.


The Avatar personas of the deck are nurtured until they reach full blossom. We create constellations of behaviors, attitudes, and thought patterns that represent idyllic versions of ourselves and bring them into a kaleidoscope of DIVINE characters you can beautifully imbibe and activate into your day. The process blends parts-work, Jungian archetypes, and art catharsis to imprint your psyche and transform your reality—-transmuting lower frequencies and behaviors into greater aspects, resulting in profound change and mastery over the different aspects of your inner power.


LIQUID GOLD Transmissions

Exquisite meditations, activations, and wisdom teachings that lace integrative sciences with spirituality, each one designed to elegantly exalt you to prodigious levels each month along your journey, with each advancement building upon the other. Solfeggio and theta-gamma frequency tones are encoded in the meditations, activations and teachings themselves, which means that solely by saturating in their sounds, you're encoded with both pure genius and the frequency, harmonizing you to your maximal states.



Releasing Unconscious Barriers

Unearth and integrate hidden aspects of your psyche that continuously block your path. Release patterning to operate from a place of gratitude, clarity, direction, and strength. Significant levels of our guiding beliefs are captured from our external experiences, including parents, influencers, peers, and powerful relationships. ShadowPlay sessions unveil the unseen barriers that obscure your true nature, striving to eliminate hidden obstacles of the unconscious mind. Old systems and patterns that bind you are revealed and vaporized, while your magnificent powers are clarified and magnified.

CHARTING DESTINY : Realizing the UnRealized

The Eternus team supports you to unearth your soulful, erotic visions into clearly articulated and aligned Beacons for your unrealized reality. These Beacons are visions of your future self and divine reality. We chart a master course towards your lighthouse and tease out the essential strategy, actions and inner work required to arrive in this resonance now. What results is an interconnected holographic blueprint for your dharmic destiny.



Solara adapts you into unison and effulgent flowering at each stage of your journey.

Distance frequency attunement is gifted daily to you to support your maximal flourishing.

Solara embodies dominion of the omniversal source field to conduct cosmic consciousness from her heart’s nexus of benevolent power. This ignites miraculous outcomes in all aspects of your daily experience. We work in numerous areas of your world and health to create optimal outcomes through remote frequency arts producing extraordinary results in health, wealth, relationships, performance, creative genius, legal, finance and fortune.



Embody emergent flow states in all aspects of your daily life. Allowing for a selfless, timeless, effortless expression of being and creating. Live supernatural from your core of oneness and endless momentum.

While Flow Synthesis is a codex with clear recipes to activate flow state, flow mastery work allows you to access it on command and implement it in your daily life.



Rehabituate your mind and body to experience a continuous cycle of you being fully in DIVINE DOMINION of your life and how to actually create from true free Will. Only from superconsciousness can true-will be accessed. You are guided into the embodiment of totality to the heart of infinite potential and directly the field of creation. 

Together, we guide you into how to lean yourself into it over time again and again. Eventually you will normalize to this way of being and operating. This specific journey is to guide you into a space so that you have the direct experience of Divine Dominion and can begin working with it. We guide you through a journey for how to achieve whatever it is that you're trying to manifest or accomplish in your life through this higher modality. Life and Career Quests are given to help you apply divine dominion to make dramatic changes in reality. You open to the rapture of one who begins to reign as a masterful conductor of your own existence.

As you accelerate and expand, merging more and more into your higher unlimited self, the small-self will resist. Our attachment, judgments, and un-serving identities will fade and be forced to slow down, clues in either health, finance, and relationships are affected.

We guide you through this delicate stage to release into the transcendent self. Continuous alignments and Activations to stay in a state of shadowless light where limitations and dual awareness are leveraged as fuel for the fortune in the knowledge of your own divinity. Arriving at your own Divine Dominion and true authority to sculpt your life as the one benevolent energy. Saturation and Maturation of Higher I AM states to achieve Optimal and Fully Set Patterns and States. Walk in pure positivity and pure loving consciousness as a living ceremony.

With Divine activation, you become fully in accord with all of your life, and life itself; one life, and one-self where you realize that you are actually in a loving relationship with yourself.


The physical body, as a symphony of intelligence, shapes our reality, and refining this vessel is key to higher attunement. It must be cleared and refined to access higher attunement to effectively maestro your destiny. This integrative approach offers a comprehensive process to support your embodiment and purification from the inside out, guiding you through protocols designed to cleanse and calibrate your physical vessel, enabling you to access and maintain higher states of being. The symphony of intelligence at which our physical body resonates is what in turn shapes our physical reality.

The part of the program provides deep-dive into knowledge of the body as an advanced spiritual technology. It provides spiritual technologies and holistic tools, such as sound beds, singing bowls, and integrated embodiment techniques, along with self-purification methods. Protocols, technologies, and nourishment for opulent health and vitality to support your embodiment and purification from the inside out.



This penultimate phase of ETERNUS is where all tools and calibrations over a course of 10 months are now fully anchored into what we call your Grail. You become fully resilient in your self-creation, as you're rooted in the permanency of an exalted nature regardless of what appears to you in physicality. No longer swayed by illusions, you now are the organizing power who orchestrates everything that's unfolding around you, anchored in your core as the prime creator of you and your world.

This fundamental integration and attunement work acts as an alchemical amulet that solidifies you into your inner being as the organizing principle of your greatest creations. Live fully into your prodigious signature where the energy you exude organically magnetizes the relationships, experiences, clients and projects you authentically desire to draw in, what you’re impassioned to create, living as an integrated whole, a unified mosaic of all your exalted archetypes.





A book of daily divine inspiration to open your vessel up and receive profound jewels of wisdom and insight to contemplate and propel your day. A compilation of mystical artistry, writings, poetry and musings within the heart of eternity. Be spellbound by these memoirs of brilliance, sung to the essence of love, as you enrich your own timeless, luscious divine honeymoon with the sacred.


BIOLUMINESCENCE BOOK : guide for vessel cleansing & recalibration

The Biolumin Book is your essential guide for vessel cleansing and recalibration work in BIOLUMINESCENCE MODULES. This e-book offers a carefully curated collection of spiritual technologies and holistic tools designed to enhance your physical and energetic well-being. The guide provides practical resources and protocols for self-purification and nourishment and frequency and energetic body attunement. You’ll find recommendations for the highest quality superfoods, organic, raw, and wild-crafted ingredients, alongside skin products and detailed golden care routines. It offers instruction with healing technologies including sound beds, singing bowls, cleansing protocols, and integrated embodiment techniques The book also delves into the use of frequency technologies and natural regimes, ensuring that several aspects of your physical vessel are cared for with the utmost quality and effectiveness. By following these practices, you’ll foster opulent health and vitality, elevating your vessel for the advanced stage of ETERNUS.



Tool for Activating Flowstate

Immersion into flowstate neuroscience to unlock a spring of effortless action, fluid wealth manifestation, and access to spectacular genius and synchronicity, where you become “in-sync” with your limitless self. These teachings bring you into the science of flow and how it activates, navigates, and embodies into your system. Focus sharpens, distractions fade. Time bends, self-consciousness dissolves, and doubts vanish. Productivity soars as you accomplish more with ease. One step in flow is worth a hundred steps in misalignment. The process comes with a on-hand guidebook to guide you to master advanced stages of flow, how to leverage it and ignite and access it on command.


CELESTIAL VELVET : Word Oracle System

Celestial velvet is an A to Z word oracle, a sophisticated golden age system that provides the most prolific, elevating language so that we can leverage the vibratory power of words to author our reality. An illustrious word library draped in light language and divine intelligence that wields miracles. Designed for you to maximize your neurosomatic circuitry to luminous awareness and evoke legendary love, success and enrichment in every here and now. 


Avatar Legacy



Mastery Curriculum & Full Suite Agency Support System

​Luxury branding, logo and website development

Social media curation and management

Exquisite in-person immersions for luxury photography, media, graphics, typography, copywriting and video design.

Established scaling and profitability team/systems

Strongest amount of advisory, agency and additional design support to maximise quality of your launch or rebrand


You Are Ready!

Embark on a luxurious odyssey with ACCLAIMED luminarIES

and immerse in a stunning sisterhood temple adorned with supreme love, splendor, somatic treasures, epicurean art, world moving wisdom and beyond that goes straight to the heart of the source field for you to embody your genius geometry and thrive profusely in all areas. Asherah and I are thrilled to embrace you in our celebratory oasis!


 Solara Sophia Rose

is liquid radiance in human form. She has the rare ability to enter whip-smart, spiritually adept and high achieving magical people into reaching life-altering levels that even they were unable to fully envision as possible for themselves — or believe themselves capable of. One timeless, immaculate moment in Solara’s field inevitably leads to the most extraordinary, luxurious thing an individual can experience in a lifetime; Divine Identity Mastery within a brave, brand New World all of their own making.

Solara’s clients step away from her miracle matrix fully expressed in genius, dripping in success, exquisitely powered to share their beauty, brilliance and gifts with the world.



Lucien Vattel

is a mystic womb artist, somatic embodiment mentor and designer of the Nomadica organic clothing line. Her work empowers heart-centered women to lead an enchanted life of earth rooted connection, prosperity and sacred sovereignty.

For nearly a decade she has been active in transforming women’s relationship to their feminine strength and stability, supporting their return to their sacred Self through whole body energetic/nervous system regulation, shamanic timeline and lineage alchemy and emotional mastery.

Her explorations led her to work with and facilitate master plant medicine ceremonies from our world’s native tribes, integral to yogic practices, somatic therapy and rites of passage through the feminine mystic lineages of womb awakening.

 Asherah offers private online mentoring and group programs that provide a potent blend of multi-dimensional and earth based practices you’ll love integrating into your personal arsenal of spiritual tools.

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