A stunning new era engagement temple designed for you to be fortified in your boundless nature while being draped in luscious grace in our loving community. Join us to embody your wholeness and enrich your own sultry, majestically gorgeous honeymoon with the sacred!
is an embodiment of liquid radiance in human form, a diviner who weaves sumptuous blessings into the fabric of reality for those fortunate enough to enter her sphere. As a spiritual advisor and creative visionary, Solara possesses a spectacular gift for guiding highly impactful individuals into transcendent octaves of Self realisation and mastery, exalting them into astonishing, life-altering levels of freedom.
Solara's presence is a transformative tour-de-force, capable of igniting profound shifts in consciousness and unlocking the latent genius within her clients. Her work is a sublime fusion of:
Superconscious Spirituality: Evolving limiting paradigms into everlasting truths
Divine Identity Mastery: Unveiling the authentic, sovereign Self of limitless brilliance
Luxurious Enlightenment: Merging supreme intelligence with opulent living
Those who embark on an odyssey with Solara find themselves immersed in a vibrant world of:
Timeless Clarity: Prodigious insights that engender the mundane with the fragrance of eternity
Exquisite Eloquence: Words that flow like seamless gold decadence, inspiring and elevating
Sensuous Wisdom: Symphonies of knowledge that arouses ecstasy in body, mind, and spirit
Solara Rose's work extends far beyond personal advancement. She is a:
Quintessential Genius: Pioneering novel frontiers in spiritual, scientific and technological realms
Legacy Sculptor: Crafting unitive experiences that ripple through generations with ultra luxuriant, avant-garde branding
Love Alchemist: Transmuting the ordinary into the extraordinary through the power of divine love
One timeless, immaculate moment in Solara’s field inevitably leads to the most extraordinary, luxurious thing an individual can experience in a lifetime: Divine Identity Mastery within a brave, breathtaking new world all of their own making. Solara’s clients emerge from her miracle matrix fully expressed in genius, dripping in success, exquisitely powered to share their beauty, brilliance and gifts with the world.
In the presence of Solara Rose, one discovers the aphrodisiac of Self recognition, savoring a lavish romance with life itself. Her leadership is an invitation to embrace yourself as a legendary artist of unprecedented majesty, magnificence and boundless possibility.
Discover more about Solara’s journey, credentials and life masterworks here.
I’m profoundly honored and grateful you’re here!
I’m, Solara
An exquisitely passionate lover of love; saturated in the wealth of home, enchanted by grace and invincibly free.
My world is a sensuous sublime romance with the heart of eternity, rooted in orgasmic reverie. I bring you into this frequency of timeless clarity with me where you will embody your divine identity and be the iconic masterpiece of your own miraculous destiny.
Our work gorgeously extends into and blesses every facet of your existence. You’ll harmonise with the spectacular beauty and glory of your supreme being directly; elevating the entirety of your reality in an instant as you arrive home at your most lushly fulfilling eternal now moment… blooming with liquid eloquence, unfolding your legacy forward. Zero resistance, rapturous power flow in this everlasting dance of divine union.
You can expect an elegant, extraordinary world shift that prospers you brilliantly for a lifetime.
into your
transcendent divine artisan ∙ QUINTESSENtial GENIUS ∙ legendary love ∙ legacy of brilliance
Where you are swept to ecstasy by the aphrodisiac of Self recognition, living gorgeously in love with every moment and savoring a luxurious romance with life from your heart of pure gold while your body drips with tranquility in amazement of the one you are.
let’s Soiree!
If you’re thrilled to embark on a mystical odyssey into exquisite enlightenment, erotic aliveness and luxury, avant-garde branding that exudes your quintessence and dharma (…to savor the kind of delicious rich intimacy, craftsmanship and celebration that breathes life into your devoted legacy works, fashioned to serve love’s brilliance and outlast the sands of time) explore my breathtaking sojourns below.
The field of our journey is a spiritual technology where you are enveloped by the majesty of love’s aura. It’s your luscious utopia for the blossoming of your divine destiny and lavish, unorthodox success that overflows from your heart’s chalice into all areas of your experience. This is your sanctuary for ambrosial accord with your god blueprint, resplendent power and a seamless marriage with love that unfolds your iconic legend. You’ll be emboldened in your natural excellence and supported at the radiant depths your being requires to flourish in timeless freedom.
Enter the warm plush corridors of nirvana and luxuriate with me in life’s royal gardens!
I look forward to sharing presence and deepening with one another on this magnificent, heart opening journey.
If you’re new to our global community, scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your email address to join our family of luminary artists and access my tapestry of Liquid Gold Truth Transmissions. A loving gift from my heart to your essence!
Enjoy a sublimely sacred voyage into your Cosmology of Self here
Become a cherished member in our Infinity Collective ballroom and access Solara’s gala of Self mastery courses, indulgent wisdom teachings frequency technology and more that weave advanced spiritual brilliance with world leading sciences. Build exquisitely rich bonds in heart powered community with beloved family from around the world!
Experience the majestic ecstasy of your being as the divine dream awake; liberating your immaculate spring of spiritual wealth, genius and power. Every element is art; a concerto of activated neurons that serves as elegant arousal for your success as you resonate the tantalizing symphony of the one you are.
Savor sate of the art masterclass transmissions designed to palpably accelerate your expansion with exquisiteness; enlivening your inner mansion of paradise as you absorb nectarous pearls of liquid gold truth.
Go on a scintillating gorgeous odyssey as Solara guides you into your timeless god state of luminous Self embodiment; immersing yourself in what is both a ritual of transcendence and divine identity, and a celebration of supreme clarity and certainty. Be showered in epiphany by Solara’s oracular lens of wisdom as you bloom from your throne of deep destiny.
Liquid Nirvana’s ETERNÜS: Embark on a sumptuous mystical journey to embody your radiant blueprint and limitless essence of eternity as you actualize a lush vineyard of possibility in your life in a sensational love portal for quantum enlightenment, luxury branding and boundless wealth. Unfold your inscribed legacy from your open heart of rapture!
Explore the astoundingly beautiful, ornate mosaic of transformations and opulent growth Solara’s clients are experiencing in all domains of their life, relationships, transcendent artistry and global service.
Nikki Sophia King
Transformational artist
Precision…. Grace…. Love
Being in a space with Solara is literally like looking into each of the facets of a diamond. With crystal clear precision she is able to zero point in on the presiding energies in your body and field.
I’m not sure I have ever been in such a place of non judgement and held only in the deepest and most profound love. So profound that it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
The grace with which she is able to speak to what is most present is unparalleled and my energy was both uplifted and grounded simultaneously. There is an extraordinary simplicity to the alchemy that Solara brings that I "know" has far reaching and transformative qualities both in the moment and beyond.
Solara is a master and I can honestly say that being in her presence is being in presence with the All That Is in its most pure and unadulterated way. A deep, deep bow of gratitude.
Dearest Solara, Beloved Sister
It brings me such great pleasure to be able to sit here and allow the words to flow in honour of your being. Now I can allow the tears to move and truly receive the immensity of the gift that you are. I am beyond, beyond grateful that our paths have crossed.
Each time that I have sat and listened to one of your transmissions I am effortlessly transported into the heart of god, into the heart of all creation, into the heart of the beginning and end. In your energy field I am home and I remember with all of my being and for that there are no words.
You are love... it is that simple. That profound, that alchemising, that healing.
As I said in our soirees, I am so grateful to myself for allowing myself to reach out to you. Therein, I can feel just how much I love myself. I have for some months been playing with and 'seeking' ways to truly see myself and I knew, beyond knowing, that you would be the one person who could truly reflect back to me All That I Am with bountiful innocence.
Even as I write I can feel the golden chalice filled with your love pouring over me with delightful abandon. To receive your love is to know and feel that I am a child of god.
Thank you for showing me who I am and reminding me of my own grace, beauty and pure heart.
Thank you, beyond thank you for being here at this time sharing your heart, your wisdom, your poetry, your exquisite energy... you are a true reflection of the diamond alignment and balance and harmony that has been present with me since I incarnated. Thank you for showing me that I have always been true to myself and to this knowing, no matter what...
My dear sister, I could continue and yet I know you feel my heart and I know that you will feel my gratitude beyond the power of words.
I love you ad infinitum.
You are a true and rare blessing!
John Burgos
FOUNDER AND HOST OF BEYOND THE ORDINARY SHOW JohnBurgos.co | BeyondTheOrdinaryShow.com
Solara is a rare and deeply gifted oracle. My journey with her was above and beyond what I had anticipated. Because I interview some of the most progressive transformational leaders for a living, I am exposed to extraordinary facilitators, channels and psychics from all around the world. During a period where I was experiencing immense growth and in need of precise guidance, my intuition led me to work with Solara and I am so happy that I listened! Solara was able to go straight to the heart of what I was struggling with and provide crystal clear wisdom that proved invaluable to my personal and business success in the following weeks to come. Solara’s ability to see into the field and translate what I like to refer to as “quantum information” so we can access our greatest genius and potential, is second to none!
Dana Kalin
Solara is a powerful, high frequency seer and psychic healer. She works with incredibly clear, activated energies that ignite instant upgrades in your life and business. My standards are high around who I allow to touch my energetic field as my abilities and vibration are crucial to my service — Solara is the best out there! Her integrity is solid and she brings a strong sense of love and grounded, otherworldly magic into everything she does. She's a soul sister in wealth consciousness and a pure channel who truly walks her talk.
Taylor Lou nations
Solara is an absolute gem of a human, mentor and spiritual activator. After working with her in a series of embodied wealth activations, I felt much more clarity in my relationship to money and what I wanted to call in. She’s unlike anyone I've ever met and has a true visionary talent for seeing someone at their highest potential and uncovering the resistance holding them back. Solara was able to hold space for me to recognize the places in my business that weren’t 100% in alignment with what I ACTUALLY wanted to create. She was a beautiful mirror and reflector for aligned creation and leadership. She’s a MASTER OF ENERGY (like for realll this woman knows her stuff!) and can guide you to tap into your own high-frequency energy source in a very practical, powerful and grounded way (something that’s missing from many of the spiritual teachers I’ve experienced in the past). I would totally recommend working with Solara if you’re a visionary leader looking to exponentialize your impact and income!
As Seen In
Experience Solara’s global speaking engagements and live soirées where you’ll be fulfilled by voluptuous gold fountains of love’s brilliance.
Embark on a glorious serene voyage into your regal nature with our community of consciousness connoisseurs spearheading love’s renaissance on Beyond the Ordinary with Solara Rose and John Burgos.
Join Solara Rose, Anne Ishara and thousands of devoted luminaries from around the world to relish in decadent jewels of divine truth and unveil the effulgent, everlasting moment of your riveting beauty.

the seduction of power
Embark on an awe scintillating journey into royal oneness and spiritual entrancement artistry to unlock your grail of power and have exquisite dominion of your life experience! In our luxurious odyssey, you’ll be adorned with supreme love, splendor, somatic treasures, epicurean art, world moving wisdom and beyond that goes straight to the heart of the source field for you to embody your brilliance of Self and thrive profusely in all areas. I’m thrilled to welcome you to this lush extravaganza!
It’s my greatest honor and delight to support you on your journey! Book an Illumination Call to explore how I can best serve you via private mentorship, spiritual and legacy advising
I’ve been beautifully privileged to serve thousands of international clients in 15 years and have a rare capacity to access infinite intelligence from the unified field, allowing me to support you with tremendous grace, clarity, power and truth in the ways you uniquely require.
All things are possible and all of you is welcome! You can bring forward the fullness of your experience and I’ll attune to the subtleties of your energetic symphony and subconscious paradigms to reveal powerful, world changing wisdom that shifts you into vibratory accord with your true being where your whole life will flourish. You’ll receive potent diamond reflections that swiftly and elegantly vanquish all obstacles to your absolute knowing, genius, freedom and lush euphoria; liberating you into your heart’s dominion to live the extraordinary.
My mastery is vast though my greatest devotional gift to your being will always be pure divine love and amplification of your soul’s brilliance from the majesty of the one heart. I’ll extract the jewels of your quintessence and reflect your most prominent powers back to you so you can live and love limitless. Our sojourn will feel like warm golden hugs around a delectable campfire with spiced cacaos as rivers of blissed insight and exhilaration flow between us, elevating your world from within while we cherish the moment!
In our odyssey, you’ll be nourished by a vibrantly gorgeous mosaic of wisdom into your ultimate Self mastery that weaves together numerous realms of awareness, including:
Mystic and ancient traditions, somatic arts, breath work, advanced neuroscience, quantum field mechanics, unified physics, superconsciousness, heart-mind coherence technology, enlightened embodiment, integrative wisdom into the nature of flow, peak performance, frequency harmonics, your cosmology of Self and how each interlace to serve your supreme blossoming.
Love to love, artisan to artisan, god spark to god spark…
let’s dance!
“Working with Solara is like having an amulet of epiphany, oracle and scientist in your back pocket, all at once! She’s my go to for everything love and spirituality. Her compassionate presence and strokes of genius have powerfully transformed my life in ways that I’ve never been moved before by anyone in 20 years on this journey. With her, you will be at peace and home in your heart.” - Dianna Cuzwick
Ava Colette Gilotti
Solara and I were brought together completely by the hand of destiny. At the beginning of March, I was planning to attend an in person retreat in Venice, CA hosted by Solara and several other spiritual revolutionaries. The pandemic unfurled and we decided to adapt our container to best suit what I desired rather than waiting until we could meet in person for me to begin my journey with her. My experience with Liquid Nirvana took place throughout quarantine and for some weeks after, and I could not have asked for more perfectly aligned timing. Solara was quite literally my sun during these times, shining her beautiful golden light onto me so I could reflect my gifts back out to the world. The curriculum she provided for me was next level supportive and foundational for the birth of my brand presence — I could feel it upleveling my energy field just as I was reading it. Our sessions were bathed in divine love, celebration and delicious, luxurious vibrations! The most activating and powerful part of my container with her was being immersed in her presence. It was an amazing opportunity to remember who I am, why I’m here and my universal connection with divine source. My mentorship with Solara guided me into the embodiment of my highest being and simultaneously brought me tremendous joy and an unshakeable sisterhood bond. Working with her was the best investment I could have ever made, not only for my personal development and legacy growth, but for my life as a whole. My sincerest thanks and love to her always!
Timothy Brainard
Solara is a living embodiment of abundance. By this, I mean that she is ALL heart and boundless generosity. To me, Solara has been a loyal, attentive friend, a gracious presence, a bright star in darker moments, an ever-ready smile to invigorate my world. I have worked with Solara, I have collaborated with her, I have celebrated with her, and I have grown with her. She has my whole-hearted support in whatever her enormously wise and powerful soul gives birth to. If you feel compelled to work with her, I encourage you to TRUST that impulse! You’ll be blown away by the majesty of her love and devotion to the fulfillment of your dreams.
Zoe Davenport
Working with Solara is like upgrading from a two seater jet to an electric rocket ship traveling to the infinite edges of the cosmos. She is direct, clear and you can feel your cells shifting in her presence. She is a gifted psychic, which is an understatement, more like the oracle of the universe! Solara has been an instrumental catalyst in my life, lovingly supporting me to level up to where my soul is joyful, fulfilled and able to have a global impact. Everything she has supported me with has received ten fold amplification and I highly recommend if you’re feeling to work with her, just do it! She is a powerful leader for leaders and embodied in what she teaches which is what I value most in someone who holds space for my expansion.