Manifesting Exposé

Hi gorgeous angels,

A beloved brother requested I share my insights into the nature of manifesting in a recent post and felt the pulse in my heart to share with our family. I hope this is beautifully clarifying and encouraging as I normally don’t venture into these realms. Such exquisite delicate terrain as we’re all doing our absolute best from our current level of awareness and all things contain a gift and blessing of the divine if we’re listening and receiving love deeply. It’s all perfect and leads to love, and we all have our unique journey that is equally valuable and rich in holy wisdom. I cherish you tremendously golden hearts!


Manifesting Exposé

We are ceaselessly replicating ourselves as the emanation of our vibratory symphony. The question is, are we replicating our finite or infinite Self?

What we’ve named ego is required for individuation, the key is to bring our ego into coherence with our divine nature so we’re radiating pure loving brilliance versus expressing unconsciousness.

Manifesting, as an overarching body of work, is rooted in the denial of Self and arises from absence of absolute Self awareness. It’s fundamentally based in small self absorption, fear, lack, control, separation, impulses of the small self to complete itself through its creation, reinforcing impermanent self concepts, roles and identities. All of which have to be relinquished to the light of pure consciousness. We must be selfless to experience fulfillment as Self.

With deepest empathy and grace (I can only articulate this because I’ve traversed these octaves of awareness and hold devotional reverence for all) beautiful beings teaching manifesting aren’t in a position to integrally support because they haven’t released control to Self realize. If Self realized, they could only be in service to Self recognition, presence, harmony and pure divine love of the total Self. They depend on those seeking Self fulfillment through manifesting to invest and are unconsciously doing so. It’s not possible to manifest Self as the small self which is why many are challenged by these teachings.

We are the masterpiece and miracle of Self now, actualized in perfect completion. Self recognition/eternal oneness/supreme being is all there is to experience. From here, pure loving presence, union of god Self to god Self in this glorious holy dance, we liberate sovereign divine will and unfold our unique paradise through enveloping Self love, honor, peace, accord, celebration of life from the sincerity of our heart and intimate relationship with Self on a seamless continuum.

There’s exquisite nuance I can delve into, and it’s also gorgeously simple! Omnipresent divine love is. I AM/WE ARE this now. All there is to do is celebrate love’s presence and savor our magnificent romance with the moment!

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